Andersoni Autismikeskus USA-s pakub stipendiumi ja julgustab sellele kandideerima.

Kaaskiri pakkumisele:

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m the International Fellowship Recruiter at Anderson Center for Autism in the United States. ACA has developed our own International Fellowship Program. ACA encourages candidates with Bachelor/ Master degree in social service disciplines i.e. social services work, mental health, special education, psychology, and related studies to apply. This program places qualified candidates at ACA for 12 months on a J-1 trainee visa. ACA will provide adequate accommodation and facilities in the US for fellows. Fellows have the opportunity to participate in this learn and work program with experienced Anderson professionals in the social services field. Fellows will experience placement with children and adults across the autism spectrum based on their experiences and qualifications. ACA will arrange for monthly stipend which is $900 per month for the fellows, on-campus accommodation, health insurance and other support services. It’s the great opportunity for candidates to experience living and working in U.S.

If you have any interest don’t hesitate in contacting me. Please share this program with people who might be interested.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Saba Dini

International Recruiter
4885 Rt. 9, PO Box 367
Staatsburg, NY 12580

(845) 889-9243 Main